Wednesday, 20 March 2013

bottle tornado guided tour of the device

Here is a quick video guided tour of the bottle tornado device

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Bottle Tornado

Here is a little project im working on. I have always liked to see water vortex and tornado's and decided after looking around and seeing that the ones people mainly make are by tying two bottles together and making water tip from one to the other to get the effect, I wanted to make something a little more interesting and something could switch on and off at will, something a bit more geeky.

After a bit of work i came upon something used in labs to mix liquids using a magnet and  stiring rod.
I decided to make my own magnetic stirrer.

I have rather a large box of computer bits and i retrieved a 12v fan to use as the motor and a Neodymium magnet extracted from an old computer hard.  after mounting this in a quick wooden box i made and wiring up to a switch the following video shows the results.

the  Neodymium magnet is glued to the centre of the motor or fan and when switched on it spins a small iron rod placed inside the bottle of water. this spinning causes the vortex to appear.

Its still a work in progress and as soon as i have it how i want it i will load a tutorial onto my instructables channel.