How not to spend Saturday.
Well, what can I say. Lovely sunny morning, all the chores out the way, my wife happy she doesn't need me to do anything else before i can get on with some disassembly fun on the old tumble dryer. Lots of motors and switches and a nice drum to turn into a fire pit, all possible before tea time. Well that was the plan.
A lazy lunch and with a coffee in hand, I wander off to the workshop. Before me stood the target of my component source. It had been faithful and well used but its constant belt breaking had become an annoyance and the cost of running it extreme. Time to put its insides to better use.
&nbst;I removed the top and then realised i needed to remove lots of cable ties.I being in a chilled out and lazy frame of mind decided the 6ft walk to my tool chest to get my side cutters was too far. Trying to remove cable ties from an old tumble dryer, i cut towards my right hand and the blade slipped. Ouch.One thing that was always drummed into my by my dad and my woodwork teacher, was to ALWAYS cut away from yourself.
At that point I felt all the good advice on this point had been a total waste of breath. I stood there and looked at the result of my stupidity. a 1.5 deep gash of shame. After consulting my wife and being told that in this case tissue and a strip of Duck tape (my normal way of handling cuts) was not going to be enough. A trip to the A&E department and 3 stitches later and i am without a totally usable right hand for at-least a week.
I think you can only learn from your mistakes and build on them. I have some sutures on the way so i can treat this kind of wound without needing to grace my local hospital in future, lesson learned for now.
I hear alot of bad things about or accident and emergency service. But I had a brilliant experience, was dealt with quickly by very capable, professional nursing staff.

I woke up Sunday morning, intent on finishing the job I had started on Saturday. With the help of my teenage son and some side cutters and other appropriate tools, we stripped out the remaining components. I then set about the hapless tumble dryer chassis with an angle grinder. This made me feel a whole lot better (apart from the aching index finger and thumb).
Now to think on to next weekend, what mischief can i get upto !!!!! click here to see the angle grinder attack
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